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Reflecting on the Fertile Soul Retreat

We just had an amazing time at Colorado's first Fertile Soul retreat last weekend. It's been about 6 years since my first retreat and I was so glad to be back to soak in the comfortable waters of yin-based healing (and the awesome pool at Interlocken Omni). We had an incredible group of courageous, vulnerable, strong, beautiful women (and one brave man) there to share in the long weekend of healing, sharing and inspiration. While we spent some time discussing obstacles to fertility and focusing on "treatment" as Randine pointed out in her recent newsletter, we spent more time going inside to explore the deeper roots of healing and transformation. I am continually in awe of Randine's wisdom and ability to hold space in a way that can open our hearts and enliven our souls. Sharing stories, laughter, tears, dance and connection is what makes the retreat experience so valuable for all of us. So many of the women came to the retreat feeling weary from carrying years of disappointment and sadness on their shoulders. But what transpired in a mere four days left everyone feeling connected, free and inspired to be exactly where they were in their lives. More than one person expressed how fortunate they felt to "get their life back" and how being together that they had "cried and laughed more than they had in years." It was a profoundly healing experience for me and Merry as well. I am so grateful to have Merry on the journey with me as a friend, acupuncture associate at the clinic and healer. I know the rejuvenation we both experienced will only deepen our connection with all of those we touch on their fertility journeys as we move forward. Dipping into those deep healing waters at retreat is like taking a long drink of water when you didn't even realize you were thirsty. So wonderful....

I want to thank all of the participants for their courage and vulnerability (and for being brave enough to do Trance Dance with me!!!).  And I want to thank the Fertile Soul staff for making the retreat experience so smooth and effortless. And of course I want to thank Randine, my friend, mentor, and soul-sister for all she has shared with me over the years. For those of you contemplating a retreat, don't hesitate to take the plunge and sign up! I'm happy to be attending another Fertile Soul retreat in September with my fellow affiliate and best friend, Donna Huber in Omaha. Can't wait for more....