At Acupuncture Denver, we treat the body, mind and spirit together. It’s a holistic approach that often sets us apart from other providers that specialize in infertility. We are committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of care based on an attitude of gentleness, warmth, professionalism and respect.
As part of this philosophy, we offer
Fertile Ground Yoga Classes for women and couples throughout the year. The next 4-class series starts on
Saturday, May 2. Each class includes meditation, group support, yoga, self-inquiry and guided relaxation to enhance your fertility and support your vitality. There is a space for you here if you are are trying to conceive naturally, going through assisted reproductive treatments, grieving a loss or considering other family-building options. The rates are $70 for the general public, $60 for Acupuncture Denver clients and $18 for a drop-in.
Space is limited, so register
here today!Â
This week (April 19-25, 2015) is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). It was started by “RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, established in 1974, is a non-profit organization with the only established, nationwide network mandated to promote reproductive health and to ensure equal access to all family building options for men and women experiencing infertility or other reproductive disorders.†Their website has wonderful resources: