It is important to find a practitioner who is familiar with western medical conditions that are associated with infertility and who is also able to interpret any labwork you may have had. They should be able to understand your basal body temperature charts and basic hormonal lab values that are pertinent to your case. Greater levels of experience and education will make them aware of important factors that could be crucial to your success in conceiving and carrying a healthy baby to term.
For instance, a former patient exhibited symptoms that I knew could indicate that she had elevated prolactin levels. I immediately referred her to her MD for testing where she was diagnosed, treated, and was pregnant within a month. If I had continued to treat her with Chinese medicine exclusively, not recognizing her possible need for further evaluation and medication, she would have lost valuable time and money and potentially not have conceived. (But last I heard, her daughter is in grade-school now!) While licensed acupuncturists are not qualified to make a medical diagnosis, fertility specialists should be able to recognize "red flags" that would alert them to your need for further medical testing. We are also frequently able to give advice in terms of what testing or evaluation might be advisable in particular situations like recurrent pregnancy loss, advanced maternal age, male factor infertility, or anovulation.
Additionally, your practitioner should be well-versed in the protocols and treatments used by reproductive endocrinologists and fertility clinics. In order to properly work in conjunction with your RE to optimize your treatment outcome, your practitioner needs to be familiar with assisted reproductive treatments, their actions, and their potential side effects. Someone who has more experience and facility working with fertility issues can be a great ally and support as you go through the intense and often stressful procedures like IUI, IVF, hormonal suppression or stimulation. Our patients often comment that they learn more about their upcoming IVF or IUI cycles from us than from the staff at their fertility clinics (just sayin!). We have worked with so many patients for so many years now going through ART treatments that we are able to help demystify the process and put people at ease when they are facing the more invasive treatment protocols. We also work closely with several physicians in the area and are happy to confer with them as needed. We are honored to get regular referrals from some of the best reproductive endocrinologists in the area and some also from some of the best fertility acupuncturists in the nation (who often send their patients to us when they are visiting Denver for treatment at CCRM). We also stock supplements at our clinic, including a popular "fertility cocktail" (no, not the fun kind like cosmopolitans, but more like myo-inositol, co-q10, l-arginine, melatonin, etc.).
Over 90% of our patients come to the clinic for assistance with fertility issues. Their testimonials can be viewed on the fertility success stories page and we can provide references upon request. We have a great deal of experience with patients who are undergoing all types of assisted reproductive techniques. Whether you want to try a strictly natural Eastern approach, or a combination of TCM with hormonal stimulation, IUI, or IVF, we will tailor your treatments to fit your specific needs. We are also very familiar with the Stener-Victorin protocol, requested by some REs to increase uterine blood flow prior to IVF. We also offer pre- and post-transfer treatments (IVF) both in our clinic and on-site at the time of transfer (and if we cannot accomodate you on-site, we can make referrals for someone who will). Again, having worked with so many patients going through ART treatments over the years, we are able to help make your experience more relaxed and less intimidating. We also use mind-body relaxation tools as part of the treatment process which has improved outcomes and our patients' well-being when going through these treatments. We'll here to hold your hand as much as you need it!