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Telehealth Sessions & Online Community Classes!

Stay Connected to Acupuncture Denver

By Jane Gregorie - March 28, 2020

Greetings from the mountains of Park County! It’s been just over a week since we closed the clinic and I already miss all of you and my staff so much. I hope you are staying safe and practicing self-compassion in the midst of all this uncertainty.

Even though the clinic is closed, we can still connect! I’m excited to announce that you can still access care with us via Telehealth Consults online. These video-based sessions are a great way to revisit your treatment plan, get fertility and wellness coaching from Jane, receive new herbal or supplement recommendations, or even practice a one-on-one personalized guided meditation together. For now, we’ve opened up the calendar on a limited basis but let us know if you want to schedule a time outside of the current hours or if you’d like to set up a session with Mally, Merry, or Megan. We can make it work and we are grateful to have this new option to offer. 

I am also offering some live online classes through Zoom to stay connected with you all and nurture a sense of community during a time that feels so isolating.

And coming soon, I’ll be bringing back Fertile Ground Yoga Sessions live and online through Zoom. Visit our classes page anytime to learn about the current offerings. If you have any ideas or requests for ways we can support you, feel free to email me. I’d love to hear from you! 

If you need to refill an herbal formula or pick up supplements, we can prepare those items and leave them at our office door for pick-up. Just email us with these requests. You can also refill supplements as needed through our Fullscript pharmacy online. 

I hope to see many of you in the virtual world as soon as TOMORROW for a community meditation class on Zoom. We will get through this crisis together and be stronger on the other side. Know I’m here for you and sending love and protection and healing energy your way.

Hugs from Afar, 